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Oral Health Tips & News


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The 3 Best and Safest Teeth Whitening Options

The 3 Best and Safest Teeth Whitening Options

Before you head to the nearest pharmacy to buy those whitening strips, check out what Dr. Powell and his team at the Hickory Dentist suggest for the top teeth whitening solutions on the market. If you are looking forward to an exciting event coming up or maybe your morning coffees are starting to dull your smile, you need the top teeth whitening solution that works best for you. Dr. Powell and his team are frequently asked about how to get a brighter smile without causing harm to the teeth and gumline or going over budget. Their response may surprise you!

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Pros and Cons of Same Day Dental Crowns, Which is Best?

Pros and Cons of Same Day Dental Crowns, Which is Best?

One of the most common questions patients ask Dr. Hanigofsky and Dr. Powell of Hickory Dentist by Dental Health Concepts concerns the differences between the traditional multiple-day dental crown process and the same day dental crown process. Although both will result in a color-matching crown you can be proud to show off, there are reasons a patient may prefer one process over another. This article shares more information about the two dental crown methods to help you discover which process is the best for your smile and your wallet.

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Why Patients Love Dr. Powell AKA The Hickory Dentist

Why Patients Love Dr. Powell AKA The Hickory Dentist

You’ve heard the stories and read the testimonials about patients coming from all over to the small town of Hickory, NC in order to receive dental care by The Hickory Dentist, Dr. Powell, and his experienced team. Comments like “No pain!”, “No longer afraid of visiting the dentist!”, and “Unbelievable results!” are what you hear when you ask about Dr. Powell’s practice. Plus, he does it all with local anesthetics and hypnosis. Does it sound too good to be true? Read on to find out about the training, skills, and technology that set Dr. Powell apart and why his methods work so well patients are willing to drive and fly long distances to see him.

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5 Reasons To Love Your Customized Nightguard

5 Reasons To Love Your Customized Nightguard

Dr. Powell, the Hickory Dentist, is the one to see about your nightguard to help with toothaches, facial soreness, earaches and headaches as these can all be painful signs that you clench or grind your teeth. While making healthy lifestyle changes can help, you might think you have to live with the resulting discomfort. Luckily, there is a pain-free solution to this common problem with a dental night guard, and all it takes to get started is a quick visit to your dentist!

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The Link Between Oral Health & Your Overall Health

The Link Between Oral Health & Your Overall Health

Several of our Hickory area patients asked Dr. Powell, “How does bacteria in your mouth impact your health in other ways?” We all learned about the bacteria under our nails and on our skin in high school. That lesson scared us into learning to wash our hands after we use the restroom and again before we cook or eat. But, like your hands, your mouth also contains a massive amount of bacteria with up to over 700 strains! What is the big deal about bacteria in your mouth and what does it say about your overall health?

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How Important Is Flossing If I Brush Well?

How Important Is Flossing If I Brush Well?

Patients often ask Dr. Powell, the Hickory Dentist, if they can skip the floss by doing a better job brushing. The importance of brushing our teeth is instilled in us from the time our baby teeth begin to show. Some mothers even use a wash cloth to help their babies become used to the idea of brushing before a toothbrush is needed. It is clear brushing twice per day with a soft bristled brush is certainly one of the primary methods we have to clean our teeth. But, is it enough? Is flossing really necessary as long as a thorough brushing job is part of your daily routine?

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Trending news stories…


Close up of toothbrush and dental floss

Gum Disease & Its Link to Other Diseases

Click on the image above to check out this great article that highlights the connection between periodontal disease and other health concerns in the body.

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vaping concept

ADA Supports Vaping Regulations

The American Dental Association has joined 75 organizations in an effort aimed at regulating the vaping industry.

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A man exercising outside with a group.

What You Need to Know About Oral Cancer

Learn who is most at risk and what you can do to prevent oral cancer by clicking on the image above.

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a man rolling a joint

Cannabis Oral Health Effects

In this article on the American Dental Association’s website, the following oral health concerns were shown to be linked with the use of cannabis:

  • Periodontal complications
  • Xerostomia
  • Leukoplakia
  • Increased risk of both mouth and neck cancers

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