Before you head to the nearest pharmacy to buy those whitening strips, check out what Dr. Hanigofsky and the Hickory Dentist team at Dental Health Concepts suggest for the top teeth whitening solutions on the market. If you are looking forward to an exciting event coming up or maybe your morning coffees are starting to dull your smile, you need the top teeth whitening solution that works best for you. Dr. Hanigofsky and his team are frequently asked about how to get a brighter smile without causing harm to the teeth and gumline or going over budget. Their response may surprise you!
Which Offers the Fastest Results?
In a rush? There are many options available such as toothpaste, strips, pens, and trays. But, when time is the biggest determining factor, Dr. Hanigofsky recommends a one-hour whitening appointment with your dentist. “We have had phenomenal success with our one-hour whitening process where we paint a special whitening agent onto the teeth and accelerate the progress with advanced technology. It’s perfect for those occasions when you have little time to spend before your event or you would like to brighten your teeth by multiple shade levels,” explains Dr. Hanigofsky. Of course, this process will require a visit with your dentist, which means you will need to set that time aside from work and your daily activities. However, the good news is it gives you a noticeable difference within the hour. Dr. Hanigofsky usually recommends following up the one-hour process with flexible whitening trays for the best results.
What About the Most Effective?
If you have the time and discipline, Dr. Hanigofsky suggests using flexible whitening trays. “In addition to being effective because of the strong whitening agent in the product itself, the great thing about the trays is patients can target either a section of their teeth or all of their teeth and it can be done on their timeframe,” Dr. Hanigofsky stated. When using the whitening trays, plan to set aside a couple of hours per day and avoid drinking dark liquids for optimum results.
What About Whitening Strips?
Sometimes, you just want something to give a boost to your already bright smile. If that is the case, whitening strips are a quick and easy solution that takes a mere 30 minutes per day to apply. While patients have not experienced the same whitening results as the one-hour whitening process and trays, this may be the finishing touch for those who desire a more subtle difference.
Can I Find Effective Whitening Solutions in a Store?
It is important to note that not all whitening options are as safe and effective as what you can find at your dentist’s office. Charcoal products, for example, can be overly harsh on the gum tissue. Moreover, dentists are oftentimes able to offer stronger whitening products than those found in stores. Be sure to talk with your dentist about the products you would like to use before you begin.
Additional Notes to Remember
Whichever whitening product you select, remember not to drink dark liquids both during the whitening process and at least three days after you complete the program of your choice. Coffee, Coke, tea, and any other dark liquids will stain your teeth and prevent the active whitening agent from achieving the optimal results. Additionally, if you notice any sensitivity in your teeth or gums, contact your dentist.
In short, there thankfully are a variety of impressive whitening products available today to help you achieve the confidence that comes with a beautiful smile. Although finding the best fit for your time and budget needs while selecting an effective product can be confusing, the above options are today’s most powerful, safe, and least time-consuming methods. Learn more about the top whitening products and how to keep your tooth color the perfect shade by scheduling your free cosmetic consultation with Dr. Hanigofsky. Why wait when you could have the smile you’ve always wanted? Fill out our online form to start your journey to a better smile today.