Hickory Dentist Welcomes Dr. Jackson Hanigofsky

Dr Hanigofksy leaning on a bridge railing

Hickory dentist, Dr. E. Dean Powell, is proud to announce Dr. Jackson Hanigofsky is joining his Viewmont practice family! Dr. Hanigofsky is excited about this opportunity to return to the area of his childhood and practice alongside his long-time mentor and friend. Gain access to more information about Dr. Hanigofsky and Dr. Powell as well as the steps that led to this greatly anticipated announcement in this personal interview.

Is it true you have known Dr. Powell for nearly 20 years?

“Yes, I first met Dr. Powell when I moved to the area in 2001 as a small child. He has taken care of my oral health all the way through adolescence and braces and into adulthood,” recalls Dr. Hanigofsky with a pensive smile. Dr. Powell added, “Our team has always been so impressed with this young man and his accomplishments. After watching him grow and develop into such a wonderful young man, it makes this decision to bring him into our practice family so incredibly easy.”

What drew you to the field of dentistry?

One might expect Dr. Hanigofsky to respond with a story about loving his biology courses in high school or discovering his chosen career path during his college days. However, this dentist felt he had found his true calling that combined his interest in science and helping others after he asked Dr. Powell to sponsor him at an Eagle Scout awards banquet in 2010. “Dr. Powell graciously accompanied me to this ceremony,” Dr. Hanigofsky explained, “and we had a wonderful discussion about his life and the field of dentistry. It was after this that I decided that dentistry was the path that I wanted to pursue.”

Was there a specific reason you wanted to work with Dr. Powell?

“I am a young practitioner,” began Dr. Hanigofsky, “So, I am driven to continually learn new skills and improve myself through continuing education. Dr. Powell provides truly comprehensive care to his patients with a passion and skill level that is unmatched. This is the approach that I also want to take with my patients and aligning myself with somebody who embodies that will undoubtedly make me a better practitioner.”

Additionally, Jackson went on to mention some of the unique techniques Dr. Powell offers his patients like his treatment of TMJ disorder or jaw pain. “This is a major disease process that commonly plagues the mouth and can cause a patient severe discomfort. With Dr. Powell’s unique approach, we can not only provide relief for the patient but also lay a building block for a better overall oral condition.”

Have you worked together in the past?

This question prompted both dentists to candidly open up about those early days of observation when the pair first began to wonder if a partnership could become a real possibility one day. Dr. Powell remarked, “He has been observing or jumping in wherever he could with me for several years now all the way back to his senior year in high school.” Then, Dr. Hanigofsky added, “I interned every chance I could like during summer breaks from college and while on break during dental school.” Listening to these two as they reminisce, it quickly became apparent that what was once more of a mentorship type of relationship has grown into one of teamwork over such an extended period of time.

Dr. Hanigofsky, how do you feel about returning to the Hickory, NC area?

“I am very excited to return to Hickory and reengage with the community,” Dr. Hanigofsky exclaimed. ” This is my home where my family lives, and that word ‘family’ in ‘practice family’ is very important to me. As a Hickory dentist, I want to treat all patients as if they are members of my own family, and I want that feeling to come across during their experience in our practice.” Within moments of speaking with both dentists, this welcoming mentality is evident as any anxiety washes away almost instantly and is replaced with an instilled sense of confidence.

Why do you think new patients should choose your practice?

After a brief thoughtful pause, Dr. Hanigofsky expressed their common vision for their patients as he said, “Dr. Powell and I work very hard to reach patients on a personal level and foster a relationship that will lead to a positive and successful outcome. Our main goal is to give patients a feeling of warmth and security rather than the fear and anxiety often experienced when thinking about or visiting the dentist.”

By creating such a comforting environment and delving into what motivates patients for improved oral healthcare, these Hickory dentists are doing far more than what one expects from the average dental visit. It is clear this long history together makes the duo an ideal balance of mutual trust and respect as they prepare to work together and incorporate the latest proven techniques and technology into their treatment care strategies. Together, they are continuing Dr. Powell’s valued tradition of crafting a framework of trust with patients that will undoubtedly carry throughout the patients’ time in the practice.

Therefore, if you are looking for exceptional dentistry in a caring environment where each team member is passionate about what they do and the people they serve, then this is the practice for you! Boasting a full suite of services, unparalleled results, and a friendly atmosphere, this expanding team has everything you want for all your oral healthcare needs. Learn more about Dr. Hanigofsky and Dr. Powell on their easy-to-navigate Hickory Dentist website, and be sure to follow their “Hickory Dentist” page on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to get up-to-date health information and community happenings. To make your appointment for a new patient exam or FREE dental consultation, call (828) 322-2133 or fill out the contact form online today!